Attention: Small Business Owners

Discover How To Grow Your Profits 5X Faster

(even if you're short on time and money)

Do you want to grow your business without wasting any more time or money? Are you sick of working longer and harder, and feeling like you're treading water or going backwards?

You are certainly not alone if you're noticing that the costs of living and doing business are going up faster than your income - and you're stumped with what to do next.

Not knowing is stressful; especially if that mortgage is getting harder to pay, holidays and looming, and you're feeling torn between working and spending precious time with family and friends.

You're determined to make 2024 a better year - am I right?

Brilliant - if you're ready to break this cycle and eager to create change without breaking something else (namely you), the cavalry has arrived.

You see, I've been wracking my brain figuring out the best way I can help, knowing that you're probably ridiculously short on time and money.

I know after 29 years of business coaching, entrepreneurship, and even as General Manager of a business incubator that there are a few critical things that EVERY business owner should know, BUT remarkably few do.

So, I've bundled up the best of it to create the most user friendly, convenient, affordable,and effective business growth programme for small business imaginable. The result is the Small Business Accelerator.

Why The Small Business Accelerator?

The Small Business Accelerator has been designed especially for you. It began with a mission to create a programme that provides you with...

  • The top 20% of business wisdom that powers more than 80% of results (based on 29 years of experience working with 1000's of businesses around the globe.)
  • Maximum learning, retention, application and progress for the time you invest
  • A democratised solution that EVERYONE can afford and benefit from.

In just 3 hours per week for 6 weeks, in your own home, in your own time - with the support of community and an accountability coach - you'll set yourself up for success in a way you've never done before.

Over the course of 6 weeks I will personally guide you to:

  • Boost Clarity, Focus, and Energy by uncovering the business path that truly ignites your passion.
  • Eliminate Self-Doubt and Procrastination to set yourself up for unstoppable success.
  • Become a customer magnet to Win More Customers Faster (without breaking the budget, or leaving you in a cold sweat)
  • Unlock secrets to 5X The Value Of Your Time, freeing yourself to create more space for what matters most.

I'm 100% confident that you will Grow Your Profits 5X Faster than you could ever do on your own - if at all.

What Is The Small Business Accelerator?

The Small Business Accelerator is a live online 6 week programme that incorporates live webinars, tools, cheat sheets, community and coaching - where you apply what you learn to your own business in real time - (and reap the rewards).

I know you're busy, so it's designed for maximum flexibility. As long as you can invest 3 hours per week to learn and implement, you're golden.

6 Live Webinars

Starting at midday on Thursday, 1 Feb, 24. Every Thursday for 6 weeks we'll run a live and interactive webinar - with replays available and follow-up actions to take.

Webinar 1: Plug-In To YOUR SuperPower – Create a vision for your life and business, and define what success and purpose is for YOU.

Webinar 2: Success Mindset Makeover: Shed limiting beliefs and cultivate the mindset and habits that fuel your success – however YOU define it.

Webinar 3: The Profit Code Unlocked: Crack the code to grow profits incrementally or exponentially – YOU choose. Identify the key areas to focus on and watch your business soar to new financial heights.

Webinar 4: Roadmap For Growth: Dusty old business plans are so yesterday, but it's true - a business that fails to plan, is planning to fail. So, what do you do instead, especially when the world is changing so quickly? Let me show you. You'll be excited by the new possibilities and revenue streams you'll discover, and the process that will help you navigate even the toughest environment.

Webinar 5: Marketing Mastery: Hone in with laser precision on your ideal customer. Tune into them, reach them, and win them over with the perfect message, offer, channel and more. You'll love how simple this is.

Webinar 6: Time Expander: Learn how to 5X your productivity, and ditch the stuff you shouldn't be doing. Discover tips for AI tools, virtual assistants, systems, and more...

Plus 2 Bonus Surprise Webinars with special guests who I promise will blow your mind.

Accountability Coach

We know that coaching boosts implementation and performance by at least 300%, and that it also comes at a cost (as an example, my 1:1 coaching starts at $500 per hour), so we've got the perfect solution. We'll give you the tools for self-coaching and peer coaching for stretch, support and accountability; and help you to "buddy up" if you want to.

Join The SMAG

The Small Business Accelerator Group is a closed and private facebook group and the home for daily inspiration, requests and offers for help, sharing ideas and resources, brainstorming, celebrating wins etc.

Plus you'll have access to a veritable treasure trove of easy-to-use and valuable cheat sheets, workbooks, tools, and templates to accelerate your progress, and keep you moving in the right direction.

... And Let's Celebrate With A Graduation Party -

Join us live in person (Bay of Plenty) or online for a graduation party where we celebrate wins and learnings in style, complete with prizes, awards, and certificates.

Introducing Lisa McCarthy

Hi, I'm your facilitator, guide and coach - Lisa McCarthy.

I believe that your business primarily exists to serve you; and that there's more to that than just profit. Personally I'm driven by freedom, flexibility, personal satisfaction, contribution, and profitability.

In the last 29 years I've worked with 1000’s of owners of small businesses in my capacities as an award-winning Action International Business Coach; as a co-owner of XL Results Foundation (New Zealand, Australia and USA) working with social entrepreneurs; and as General Manager for a high-growth business incubator and creator of the "Entrepreneur Development Programme".

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I graduated with a Master of Commerce majoring in Marketing over 20 years ago. I barely speak of that now as I've learned what actually works in the real world of small business... lol.

It's been a privilege to work with tradies; health practitioners; e-commerce; hospitality; food manufacturing; fitness and sports centres; car dealerships; franchises; social entrepreneurs; tech entrepreneurs; and more.

The same business fundamentals apply to every single business – yet few business owners know them. That's something I'm intent on changing...


Here's what people say about working with me -

A Price EVERYONE Can Afford

Your obvious next question is "can I afford this?" and the answer is a resounding Yes - 100%! Here's a quick recap of what you get.

  1. 8 One Hour Interactive Live Webinars with follow up actions and challenges - Value $639.60
  2. Accountability Coaching - Value $280
  3. SBAG Private Membership Group - Value $79
  4. Cheat sheets, templates and more - Value $180

Total Value - $1,178.60 + GST

Now just $179.00 incl GST.

Double Your Money Back Guarantee

I'm serious. I want you to make 2024 your best year yet, regardless of what's happening in the world. And I truly do believe that the Small Business Accelerator has the potential to make that happen for you.

BUT... I also understand that you don't really know me... yet!

So, here's my crazy solution. I'm offering a 200% Money Back Guarantee to encourage you to sign up now.

That’s right – if you’re not 100% satisfied that you've received at least a 10X return on your investment after COMPLETING the 6 week programme - I'll refund you 200% of your purchase price.

Isn't it well and truly time that you reap the rewards of your efforts? Surely, you've run out of excuses... so, let's get this show on the road.

Make 2024 your best year yet, by clicking the button below.

PS: Remember - We go live on Thursday, 1st February, 2024. Don't miss out. Book your spot now.

See you soon,

Lisa :-)

PS While you're here, make sure you sign up for "The SME News" for upcoming events, tools, tips, freebies and more.

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    PPS: Remember, we start 1 February 2024. Thank you for sharing the message far and wide. The more the merrier, and the more we can contribute to each other.